Street Beatz 03
Jojo Mayer
Jojo starts the beat with pull-out accents on the snare hand. Start at a slow tempo and aim for accuracy and good dynamics.
Quintuplets - Groups of 5
Kev O'Shea
More information is covered in my book 'Filling Time'.
Doubling Up
Kev O'Shea
You may need to experiment with different bass pedal settings to find the right spring tension for you.
Kick Hat Snare 01
Kev O'Shea
First get comfortable with F,R,L,F,R,L,R,L (whilst accenting the last 'L'). There rest is a variation on a basic paradiddle.
Kick Hat Snare 02
Kev O'Shea
Practise paradiddles with and without accents. Next try starting them on the offbeat.
Insane 4-way Co-ordination
Thomas Lang
Try playing the left side ostinato without doubles as a 16th note pattern, to begin with...